MAS Reference eBook Collection
General reference eBooks for high school students. Topics include biography, history, careers, language arts, literature, government, health, math, science, current events, and social-emotional health.
Subjects: Literature & Language Arts

MAS Reference eBook Collection
General reference eBooks for high school students. Topics include biography, history, careers, language arts, literature, government, health, math, science, current events, and social-emotional health.
MAS Ultra
Includes full-text popular magazines, reference books, and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science and health. Also includes primary sources, photos, maps and flags.
Subjects: Literature & Language Arts

MAS Ultra
Includes full-text popular magazines, reference books, and primary sources covering many subjects, including history, science and health. Also includes primary sources, photos, maps and flags.
MasterFILE Premier
Full-text magazines, journals, and reference books covering a wide range of general interest topics. Primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags are also included.
Subjects: Business, Economics, Legal, Current Issues, Education, Facts & General Reference, Health & Medical, History, Science & Technology, Social Studies

MasterFILE Premier
Full-text magazines, journals, and reference books covering a wide range of general interest topics. Primary source documents, photos, maps, and flags are also included.
MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
General reference eBook titles covering a broad range of subjects.
Subjects: Literature & Language Arts

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
General reference eBook titles covering a broad range of subjects.
Journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world.
Subjects: Health & Medical

Journal citations and abstracts for biomedical literature from around the world.
Middle Search Plus
Middle school magazines and reference books covering history, current events, science and sports. Also includes biographies, photos, maps and flags.
Subjects: Current Issues, Famous People, Literature & Language Arts, Science & Technology

Middle Search Plus
Middle school magazines and reference books covering history, current events, science and sports. Also includes biographies, photos, maps and flags.
Middle Search Reference eBook Collection
More than 140 popular middle school magazines, biographies, historical essays, and primary source documents in American History.
Subjects: Geography, History, Literature & Language Arts, Science & Technology, Social Studies

Middle Search Reference eBook Collection
More than 140 popular middle school magazines, biographies, historical essays, and primary source documents in American History.
Military & Government Collection
Offering current news and journal articles pertaining to all branches of the military and government
Subjects: Current Issues, News

Military & Government Collection
Offering current news and journal articles pertaining to all branches of the military and government