Where can I find a list of all the periodicals (magazines, professional journals and newspapers) that are available in the Discus collection?
The Discus program purchases access to electronic products from multiple providers. Periodical title lists in some products change frequently as publications are added or new content from some publications is discontinued. Sometimes entire publications are discontinued. For these reasons, there is no master list of all the periodicals available from all the Discus providers.
I need to complete a report for my institution and must include the number of electronic periodicals to which we have access. If there is no master list of the periodicals available through Discus, how should I proceed?
You may use the current title lists of the individual databases that provide most of the periodical content to Discus to compile this information.
EBSCO Publishing is the primary provider of periodicals to Discus with the products known as Academic Search Premier, MasterFILE Premier, and Newspaper Source Plus. The EBSCO title lists for these products can be viewed in PDF, Excel, or HTML formats.
Since other databases in the Discus collection also provide some periodical content, you’ll want to consult those title lists as well. Links to title lists – sometimes called source lists – are generally found within the product itself.
What else should I be aware of as I compile this information?
Some publications use full-text articles giving the researcher the entire article. Other publications only use index coverage, meaning that only article citations or summaries appear.
- Some databases in the Discus collection include all the articles in a given publication that appears on their title lists (known as cover-to-cover articles). Other products, however, have periodicals on their title lists that are represented by only selected articles pertaining to the focus of the database.
- An older backfile is accessible for some periodical titles even if the addition of new issues has ceased.