• For middle school students
  • Search interface that provides access to information on many topics from magazines, newspapers, books, biographies, country reports, primary sources, video and more


  • More than 170 popular full-text middle school magazines, including Billboard, Dance Spirit, Ebony, Horse & Rider, Scholastic News, Sports Illustrated Kids, and dozens more
  • Includes Funk & Wagnall's New World Encyclopedia, American Heritage Dictionary, Encyclopedia of Animals, Essential Documents in American History and others
  • More than 1.2 million images of relevant photos, maps, flags, and more
  • Text-to-speech for HTML articles to assist struggling readers or those learning English
  • Lexile reading levels assigned to full-text articles

 Databases enabled in Explora for Middle Schools

 Explora for Middle School Users Tutorial

 Explora for Middle School Users Tutorial [ppt]