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Newspaper Source Plus

Includes full-text articles from major newspapers, newswires, and news magazines as well as television and radio transcripts.

Subjects: Current Issues, News

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Newspaper Source Plus

Includes full-text articles from major newspapers, newswires, and news magazines as well as television and radio transcripts.

NoveList K-8 Plus

Book recommendations to assist students in finding their next great fiction or nonfiction title to read.

Subjects: Literature & Language Arts

Resource Logo for NoveList  K-8 Plus

NoveList K-8 Plus

Book recommendations to assist students in finding their next great fiction or nonfiction title to read.

NoveList Plus

Book recommendations of fiction and nonfiction to guide older readers in finding their next title to read.

Subjects: Literature & Language Arts

Resource logo for NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus

Book recommendations of fiction and nonfiction to guide older readers in finding their next title to read.

Novels for Students

Volumes 1-69 provide critical overviews of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the work's cultural and historical significance.

Subjects: eBooks, Famous People, Literature & Language Arts

Novels for Students resource logo

Novels for Students

Volumes 1-69 provide critical overviews of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the work's cultural and historical significance.