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Gale in Context: Biography

Biographical information on thousands of people from throughout history. Includes video, audio clips, and images.

Subjects: Famous People

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Gale in Context: Biography

Biographical information on thousands of people from throughout history. Includes video, audio clips, and images.

Gale in Context: Elementary

Articles, images, maps, activities, experiments, and reference information on all subjects.

Subjects: Current Issues, Facts & General Reference, Famous People, Health & Medical, History, Literature & Language Arts, Science & Technology, Social Studies

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Gale in Context: Elementary

Articles, images, maps, activities, experiments, and reference information on all subjects.

Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Thousands of pro and con viewpoint articles on contemporary social issues, topic overviews, primary sources, images, statistical tables, charts, and graphs.

Subjects: Current Issues

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Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints

Thousands of pro and con viewpoint articles on contemporary social issues, topic overviews, primary sources, images, statistical tables, charts, and graphs.

Gale PowerSearch

Cross-search feature allows simultaneous searching of one, several or all available Gale databases.


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Gale PowerSearch

Cross-search feature allows simultaneous searching of one, several or all available Gale databases.